Dear Readers,
The email I sent out yesterday with the first Dictionary of Received Ideas post accidentally contained a begging letter (a hallowed tradition in Dickens’s time, not so much in ours) at the bottom, asking for subscriptions and pledges. That was a mistake! The footer was automatically generated by the Substack app, and did not express the views or opinions of management.
I promised myself (and you) that I would always keep this silly website free and never ask for money, and I meant it! So please accept my apologies.
And while I have you here….
I’ve got a couple of new projects brewing since the 52 Mini-Essays wrapped up. There’s the Dictionary, of course, and soon I’ll be launching Janesplaining, a new series of short (I promise!) funny (I hope!) essays in which characters in Victorian novels explain everything to you.
So I hope you stick around (for free)! If you have any terms you’d like to see defined in the Dictionary, please send ’em my way. And if you have any pressing questions in your life that you wish Lucy Snowe or Mr. Micawber would address, sit tight. We’ve got you.
Dr. Waffle